Yoga Journal 常有一些教學的經驗交流,由一些資深的瑜珈大師回答問題!

Take a Breath不宜教初學者Kapalabhati

I need advice about teaching Kapalabhati breathing to beginners. Should I emphasize mula bandha and the pelvic floor? Should beginners aim to complete, say, 10 beats in their own time, or should I encourage them to exhale very rapidly? During the first practice, would you start the exercise in a seated or prone postion? Liz


問題:我需要有關如何教導初學者Kapalabhati呼吸的建議。我是否應該強調mula bandha會陰鎖印和骨盆腔底?初學者是否應該完成一定次數的練習,例如,以他們的呼吸能力做一回合10次的練習,或者我可以鼓勵他們非常快速地吐氣?教導學員第一次練習這個呼吸時,應該以坐姿或俯臥方式開始練習較恰當?  Liz


Read David Swenson's reply:

讓我們來看一下David Swenson的回答:


There are dangers in prematurely introducing intense pranayama techniques, such as rapid breathing and prolonged breath retention techniques like Kapalabhati and Bashrika. There is a belief that too much pranayama too soon can overwhelm the nervous system, potentially causing mental or emotional imbalance. The student's nervous system needs to be ready for the immense energy that pranayama can produce.




Practitioners should first strengthen the nervous system through a regulated and consistent asana practice and Ujjayi breathing, with slow introduction of additional pranayama techniques. Students will need to understand the bandhas before they try more advanced pranayama methods. In general, pranayama should be given to the student with care, under the supervision of a teacher qualified to oversee their students' safety and smooth progress.


首先初學者應該透過規律且紮實的練習體位法和 Ujjayi 勝利呼吸法以強化神經系統, 再漸進逐步地加入呼吸練習pranayama。在他們嘗試更進階的呼吸法 pranayama 之前,學生需要理解鎖印bandhas。一般而言,教導學員pranayama呼吸法是需要十分小心地,並應該在一位合格的老師監督下進行,以確保學員安全與順利的成長。


Kapalabhati is an advanced pranayama technique. Personally, I wouldn't introduce it to a beginner. Instead I would begin with a simple technique such as Ujjayi breathing. By listening to the sound of the breath and becoming intimately aware of the texture and quality of controlled breathing, the student will gain valuable insights. Ujjayi is a safe and effective method that will bring a wonderful awareness to the quality and essence of yogic breathing. The applications of Ujjayi are broadyou can apply it during asana practice or during targeted pranayama.


Kapalabhati 是一個進階的呼吸]pranayama技巧。就個人而言, 我不會將它教給初學者。取而代之,我會從一個簡單技巧開始例如:Ujjayi 勝利呼吸法。透過聽呼吸的聲音及變得精確地覺知呼吸的架構與控制呼吸的能力,學員將獲得有價值的洞察力。Ujjayi 勝利呼吸法是一個安全和有效的方法,能引導練習者充分體驗瑜珈呼吸的品質與精髓。  Ujjayi 勝利呼吸法的運用是廣泛的──你可以在體位法時運用它,或是在做專注呼吸練習時 pranayama。


Pranayama is a powerful and important yogic tool and should be an integral part of a holistic yoga practiceeventually. Begin with more basic methods, and then slowly build toward Kapalabhati and the other more intricate and refined breathing techniques.


Pranayama 是一項強有力和重要的瑜珈修行法,並且長期而論是完整瑜珈練習不可或缺的的一部分。從最基礎的方法開始, 然後慢慢地擴展到 Kapalabhati 再進到另一個更高難度與精確呼吸技巧。


David Swenson made his first trip to Mysore in 1977, learning the full Ashtanga system as originally taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. He is one of the world's foremost instructors of Ashtanga Yoga and has produced numerous videos and DVDs. He is the author of the book Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual.


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